The Journey

February 24, 2019
Speaker: Pastor Jim Minor | Pastor Jim Minor preaches on finding joy in every season on the journey.

Woven by the Master Weaver

February 17, 2019
Speaker: Pastor Jim Minor | Baptism went long, which left just enough time for Pastor Jim's short reminder that we are created for a purpose.

The Table Prepared

February 10, 2019
Speaker: Pastor Jim Minor | In this message, Pastor Jim Minor asks the questions, "What would happen if we focused on our blessings during a storm instead of the rain?"

Spirit Filled Life

January 27, 2019
Speaker: Pastor Jim Minor | Pastor Jim Minor preaches on a life filled with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Put Some Mo in the Go

January 20, 2019
Speaker: Pastor Jim Minor | Through stories of our church’s founding, Pastor Jim Minor preaches on the sacrifices required when fulfilling the calling of God on your life.