Speaker: Pastor Dan Minor, Pastor Jim Minor, Pastor Jim Rouches, Pastor Peggy Minor | Pastors Dan Minor, Jim & Peggy Minor, and Jim Rouches sit down for a fire-side chat…
Speaker: Pastor Dan Minor | Pastor Dan Minor looks at Grace and the Law by examining the lives of the two babies that brought them: Moses & Jesus.
| Sit back and enjoy three, diverse messages from three members of the Harvest family.
Speaker: Pastor Peggy Minor | Pastor Peggy Minor preaches on feeling God in moments of suffering. This is not a message about suffering, but about the relationship that is built…
Speaker: Pastor Jim Rouches | Pastor Jim Rouches takes a look at creation through the lens of Genesis and Revelation.
Speaker: Pastor Dan Minor | Pastor Dan Minor preaches on the difference between the Law and Grace through the lens of King Solomon.
Speaker: Pastor Jim Rouches | Have you ever been intimidated by the Book of Revelation? Pastor Jim Rouches takes away the mystery.
Speaker: Pastor Peggy Minor | Pastor Peggy Minor starts the Christmas season by preaching on contentment.
| Pastor Dan Minor preaches on the difference between Grace and the Law.
Speaker: Pastor Dan Minor | Pastor Dan Minor follows up with his message from a few weeks ago and details the vision of Harvest being a place where everyone is…